March 21, 2009

This is why I'm not a professional chef

So tonight Rachel and I had Fritzy and his family over for dinner. Pretty good menu, too.

Dijon Chicken
Ultimate Twice Baked Potatoes
Double Chocolate Pudding Parfait

Now, for someone with any cullinary knowledge, this will be a pretty simple question. Which one of thes ingredients does not belong in a Double Chocolate Pudding Parfait?

Okay, in my defense the bottle of sesame oil that we had was the exact same size and shape as our old bottle of vanilla extract. It was also located in the same cupboard on the same shelf. However, this in no way gives me an excuse to ignore the terrible sesame oil smell as I was preparing the parfait, or, you know, the writing on the side of the bottle!

Fortunately, I've learned to always taste what you're cooking. My wife relayed a story about a guy who was on the tv show Chopped and accidently put salt in a cake instead of sugar. He didn't taste the batter and the judges were very disappointed. When I tasted the cream, I asked my wife to come help me figure out what I did wrong.

Rachel: "What went in this?"
Me: "Cream, sugar, cocoa and vanilla extract."
Rachel notices the bottle of sesame oil on the counter
Rachel: "Is this the vanilla extract that you used?"
Me: "Oh geez!"

Rachel was a bit disappointed that we caught the mistake. She wanted to see how polite the Fritzs could have been. "This is really good a really good chocolate sesame oil parfait!"

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